Delivery Waiver

Off Driveway Delivery Waiver Form

We are sending you this waiver because you have selected an “off the pavement delivery.” Typically, we only will deliver materials on Driveways, unless this form has been signed, agreed upon, and sent back to us before the delivery is sent out. With all off driveway deliveries, our driver reserves the final say whether they think they can safely dump in your desired area. This is something we will not make exceptions to.

Our trucks used for deliveries range in weight from 15,000-35,000lbs without any material in them. In some cases, such as soft lawns, it can cause our trucks to sink in and get stuck which can cause a lot of damage both to your property and our trucks.

Some helpful info regarding deliveries to protect your property and our delivery trucks:

  • When we raise the body of the truck, the back end of the body lowers closer to the ground which makes it impossible to dump the material over any walls.
  • When selecting a location for material to be dumped please look up! When our truck bodies rise, they can reach heights of 15+ feet, so please choose a location away from power lines or low hanging tree branches.
  • Our Trucks Need a width of at least 9.5’ to dump safely

With your Signature below you are agreeing that:

  • You take all responsibility for any damage to sidewalks, walkways, irrigation heads, septics, lawns, curbing, and any other property in the path of delivery.
  • Southridge Farm & Nursery takes no responsibility for damage that is caused to the property when going off driveway.
  • You release Southridge Farm & Nursery and it’s Employees from all liability with the “off driveway delivery”.
  • If our truck gets stuck, you will pay all associated costs for towing.

Off Driveway Delivery Waiver Form

By checking the box below, you agree to take responsibility and release Southridge Farm & Nursery from any liability.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.